Advanced Measurement
Technology Center

Advanced Measurement Technology Center
Director of the Center
MUTO, Shunsuke
This Institute has developed unique and advanced measurement technologies in the High Voltage Electron Microscope Laboratory, the Research Facility for Advanced Science and Technology, and other facilities of the Institute. The Advanced Measurement Technology Center, which was established in April 2015, aims to explore and develop novel measurement techniques, operate multiuser instruments, provide opportunities for collaborative research, and train highly skilled scientists and engineers. The Center is operated jointly by Nagoya University graduate schools and research centers with ties to this Institute, including the Graduate Schools of Engineering, Science, and Environmental Studies, and the Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, and external institutes, such as the Aichi Synchrotron Radiation Center of the Knowledge Hub Aichi and the National Institute for Fusion Science. The Center is divided into the following five sections: Electron Nanoscopy Section, Electromagnetic Wave Measurements Section, Elementary Particle Measurements Section, X-Ray Spectroscopy Section, Nanofabrication & Characterization Section.
Advanced Measurement Technology Center
Advanced Measurement Technology Center Introduction video
Creating new future materials and devices by measuring what is in front of you(2min.46sec.)
Section / Group
Electron Nanoscopy Section
In this section, techniques for detailed structural analyses and property measurements using electron microscopes are developed. Topics include atomic-level analysis of spatial and electronic structures, precise measurements of nanoscale lattice distortions using convergent beam electron diffraction, three-dimensional structural analysis with electron beam tomography, visualization of electromagnetic fields using electron holography, and operando measurements/observation of chemical reactions under different gas environments.

Reaction Science Ultra-High Voltage Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope JEM1000K RS
Nanospectroscopic Materials Science
In current practical materials related to nanotechnologies, defect formation associated with impurity doping and surface/interface structure control drastically improve their physical properties. Our research group is developing precise nano-area analysis methods using advanced electron spectroscopy/microscopy in combination with ‘informatics’ techniques to clarify the mechanisms behind the material functions and the guiding principles in the development of novel materials. Our research covers topics from fundamental physics such as measuring magnetic moments in sub-nanometer areas to the practical analysis of materials such as lithium ion batteries, catalysts for purifying automotive exhaust gas, ceramic devices, and ferrite magnets.

R&D of Sub-nanometric Scale Analysis by Integrated Spectroscopic Microscopy
Nanospectroscopic Materials Science / S. Muto & M. Ohtsuka
Study on nano-metric analysis and development of energy-related devices using electron nano-spectroscopic methods
Development of Quantitative Site-Specific Analysis Method for Practical Crystalline Materials Using Electron Channeling Effects
Visiting Professor
OKAJIMA, Toshihiro
Visiting Professor
TAKAHASHI, Yoshimasa
Visiting Associate Professor
Electron Beam Physics
We have developed next-generation electron microscopes using innovative electron beams such as electron vortex beams. Our newly developed electron microscopes equipped with a direct electron detector have been applied to the visualization of high-speed phenomena in nanoscale. Also, we have performed characterization of actual materials such as defect analysis of power devices and operand TEM observation of battery materials by making best use of various electron microscopy techniques.

Development of Nano-Characterization Methods Using Innovative Electron Beams
Development of Advanced Electron Beam Imaging Using Hight-speed Direct Electron Detectors
Visiting Professor
Electromagnetic Wave Measurements Section
This section is dedicated to the advancement of techniques to control energy systems, such as nuclear fusion using plasmas. Research is focused on developing methods to measure electromagnetic waves and reflected light from emitting bodies and materials, including plasma diagnostics observing line emissions from atoms and molecules and using lasers.
Plasma Energy Engineering
In order to solve global environmental problems such as global warming and resource depletion, research on fusion power generation using magnetically-confined high-temperature plasma is being conducted on a global scale. This group is developing edge plasma control and plasma measurement techniques to maintain high-temperature and high-density core plasma, and conducting research on the interaction between wall materials and high-heat-flux plasma comparable to that on the solar surface. In addition to experiments using high-density plasma devices, this group conducts plasma modeling by computer simulation and creates functional nanostructured metals with potential for industrial applications.
Edge Plasma Control for Magnetically Confined Fusion Power Plant
Research on Heat and Particle Transport in Edge and Divertor Plasmas for Thermonuclear Fusion Power Generation
Elementary Particle Measurements Section

Hyper Track Selector
This section specializes in the development of muon radiography, which is an applied technology to obtain images inside extremely large structures (e.g., pyramid, nuclear reactor, blast furnace, volcano). This technology makes use of muons, which are elementary particles found in charged cosmic rays from outer space that hit the Earth, and other in-house conceived techniques.
Instrument Development
- Nagoya University emulsion film setup in the descending corridor
- Comparison of muography simulation and results for descending corridor
- This micrograph showing the reaction that occurred when high-energy cosmic rays collided with atoms in the emulsion.
Research on the development and promotion of advanced nuclear emulsion technology and the development of applications using this technology
Development of Innovative High- Resolution Three-Dimensional Radiation Detector “Nuclear Emulsion” Technology and Its Applications
Neutrino Oscillation, Dark Matter Search Experiment and Researches with Tracking by Nuclear Emulsion
R&D on Precise Observation of Cosmic Gamma Rays and High-Energy Astrophysical Phenomena with Nuclear Emulsion Technologies
R&D of cosmic ray imaging techniques with nuclear emulsion
Study of Gravity and Unknown Short-range Forces Using Nuclear Emulsion and Quantized States of Ultracold Neutrons, Development of Nuclear Emulsion Gels, Development of Nuclear Emulsion for Slow Neutrons, and Development of Nuclear Emulsion for X-ray Topography
MATSUO, Tomokazu
X-Ray Spectroscopy Section
In this section, research studies using sophisticated of X-ray spectroscopy techniques and their complex technologies combined with coherent electron beams are conducted toward developing functional materials and pharmaceuticals.
Nano Dynamics
Leveraging dynamic measurement technology using X-ray and electron beam, we clarify properties of devices and materials in actual operating condition to accelerate development of energy-saving technologies. Furthermore, we will explore the frontier of measurement technology that combines electrons and photons.
Advanced Electron Microscopy Using Coherent Spin-Polarized Pulse Beam
Research and Development of Advanced X-ray Spectroscopy Techniques on Environmental and Catalyst Nanofunctional Materials
Nanostructure modelling of energy material by multiprobe composite analysis
Visiting Professor
Nanofabrication & Characterization Section

Micro-fabrication clean room
This section develops the state-of-arts techniques of thin-film deposition, nanomaterial synthesis, nanofabrication, and associated measurements and evaluations. Shared instruments and clean room at Research Facility for Advanced Science and Technology are provided for the development of advanced functional devices.
Nano-Spin Devices
Magnetron sputtering with 8 sources
Developments of Functional Magnetic Thin Films and Spintronics Devices
Development of Fabrication Process of Micro Magnetic Pattern and Its Application
Research and technical support of Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology, Development of semiconductor measurement technology and application
Research and technical support of Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology
Visiting Professor
SONOBE, Yoshiaki