
Research Facility
for Advanced Science
and Technology

 The Research Facility for Advanced Science and Technology operates a cleanroom and laboratories with instrumentation for thin film deposition equipment such as MBE, CVD, and sputtering systems, micro-fabrication equipment such as mask aligner, electron-beam lithography, and ICP etching, and analytical equipment such as SEM, ESCA, AFM, and XRD. These cutting-edge equipment is used for a wide range of micro and nano-fabrication research projects from thin film deposition of various materials to material analysis. In addition, as a hub of Next- generation Biomaterials for Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials and Nanotechnology (ARIM) Project supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), this facility is providing technical support on nano-material processing and nano-fabrication to outside academic researchers as well as users industry.

Research Facility for Advanced Science and Technology


Research Facility for Advanced Science and Technology Introduction video

  • Short version (1 min.)

  • Long version (6 min. 33 sec.)



Show Member


  • Director, Professor

    KATO, Takeshi
  • Professor

    OHNO, Yutaka
  • Professor

    NAKATSUKA, Osamu
  • Assistant Professor

    MATSUNAGA, Masahiro
  • Assistant Professor

    OSHIMA, Daiki